
Johanna Kandel, founder and CEO of The National Alliance for Eating Disorders, joins us for the third time ahead of Not One More Weekend, February 28th, March 1st and March 2nd, 2025. She updates listeners on all of the Alliance growth over the past year including the community and support for those suffering with eating disorders, disordered eating and body image struggles as well as their loved ones. Have a listen for all of this weekend’s events accessible worldwide as well as parts of Johanna’s own story which are incredibly inspiring.

Getting To Yes

Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani, founder of the Gaudiani Clinic, providing expert medical care for eating disorders, joins TheNPRD podcast speaking incredibly eloquently on ‘Getting To Yes’. Getting to yes means being hyper-patient centric makes the difference in returning agency to our patients. Her advice and care focus suggesting ‘helping patients feel autonomy around what’s going on’ recognizes how these integral pieces can help heal medical trauma.

Building Bridges to Building Bodies

Leigh Van Dusen, MS, LDN, owner and director of clinical operations for Van Dusen Nutrition, has a group practice and started the STEP program in 2020. STEP is an acronym for Supplemental Treatment Based in Experiential and Exposure Programming bridging the gap between intensive outpatient and outpatient care. This additional level of care in recovery in an in person intimate setting can be the game changer for long term eating disorder recovery.

You Don’t Heal Body Image

Break the glass ceiling on our relationship with body image and healing with Deb Schachter, LICSW, and Whitney Otto, MA, PCC discussing their book Body Image Inside Out. Deb and Whitney suggest finding a third way to connect to our bodies and body image referencing and building on years of experience in their workshops – the precipitants to their book. We can practice having different relationships with our body image through play, self compassion, mindful awareness, curiosity and letting go expectations of perfection.

The Magic Of Community

Katie Gustamachio, MEd, RD, and Kate Craigen, PhD, both of Monte Nido Walden speak to the magic of community being privileged to work with humans and their sacred, vulnerable & honest journeys toward recovery from binge eating disorder within Free To Be. Binge eating disorder remains the most common eating disorder and having Free To Be as a virtual program licensed in over 20 states available to humans struggling is the topic of this episode of TheNPRD podcast. Hope for change is necessary and incredibly possible as we hear in this conversation.

We Didn’t Learn This In School

How do clinicians learn to hold hands integrating cutting edge and long term research into clinical practice? Dr. James Greenblatt of Psychiatry Redefined joins TheNPRD podcast inclusive of his fellowship program, a rich discussion on ADHD and why women are diagnosed later in life, and what nutritional guidelines can enhance the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. Definitely listen to this one all the way to the end!

Dying To Be Beautiful?

Caryl James, PhD, and Melissa Freizinger, PhD, join TheNPRD podcast delving into the 4th annual conference titled ‘Dying To Be Beautiful’ held on December 6-8 in Kingston, Jamaica. We discuss trends in body image, eating behaviors and health in the Caribbean and those specific to Jamaica and the impetus of this amazing conference.

Taking the Win

We’re celebrating our 50th episode today! Please join Jordan Rich, my co host, and I, as we talk about our awesome listeners and guests, milestones & moving forward. Keep tuning in, subscribe, and leave us a review on Apple. We are so fortunate to have all of you who have joined me and Jordan on this podcast journey.

No Longer Putting Out Fires

Today’s guest on The NPRD podcast is Brandy Walker, CCI Certified ED Recovery Coach, of RecoverYouLLC.com. Brandy shares a trifecta of advice from her own recovery of complex trauma and an eating disorder to her career and being a woman entrepreneur. She shares how embracing her journey helped embody her whole being, inclusive of a thriving private practice as a remote and live-in eating disorder recovery coach.

Why Can’t They Just Eat?

A question parents and guardians often ask of children at any age with an eating disorder or disordered eating is ‘Why can’t they just eat?’. Jane Reagan, RDN, CEDS, MEd Counseling, and I discuss her self paced training made for parents and caregivers to aid in the eating disorder recovery of their children. While parents can’t heal their children, finding resources to learn around the journey to recovery are priceless.