Go Slow To Go Fast

Ibbits Newhall joins TheNPRD podcast sharing her own recovery story and that of her daughter both of which shaped her career with various treatment centers and her own consulting practice. We discuss the phrase ‘Go slow to go fast’ suggesting thoughtfulness in helping families and individuals find creative treatment solutions. A must listen for parents and caregivers.

Would You Take Your Own Advice?

Join Rebecca (Becky) Manley, MEDA Founder, MEDA board member, and owner of Manley Coaching!, and I as we discuss all things MEDA’s 30th birthday. We reflect on the question ‘Would You Take Your Own Advice?’ and delve into what recovery has been for Becky and how her view of this for all humans has shifted over time.

Reflective Supervision – Evolving and Elevating The Field Of Dietetics

Lisa Pearl, MS, RDN, CED-S, and Fiona Sutherland, Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Yoga Teacher and Clinical Supervisor, join us on TheNPRD sharing their upcoming training for dietitians. Lisa, Fiona and I have a dynamic conversation on the evolution of reflective supervision in the field of dietetics cementing the elevating aspects their training has to offer.

Getting Better vs. Getting Well?

We welcome back Amy Boyers, PhD, clinical psychologist, President and co-founder of Galen Hope, for one of her favorite topics: Getting Better vs. Getting Well. Amy and I discuss how patients move through getting better to getting well – the differences of these – and why we truly want patients to be and live well in their eventual recovery. Galen Hope is a sponsor of today’s podcast.

Not One More

The National Alliance for Eating Disorders (formerly The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness), led by Johanna Kandel, joins us for the second time to speak to Not One More Weekend, this weekend, February 23, 24, 25, 2024, around their pillars of help, support and recovery. Listen in to hear all about this weekend’s upcoming events understanding support is available and accessible regardless of where you are nationally or across the world.

Funny, Fierce and Forward Thinking

Jessica Setnick, MS, RD, CEDRD-S is an incredible entrepreneur in the eating disorder field. She has led the industry in Eating Disorder Boot Camp training for dietitians as well as authored what will be the 3rd Ed. (out in the fall of 2024) Pocket Guide to Eating Disorders for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Jessica’s Dietitians Guide To Professional Speaking is yet another endeavor as is the International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians. Jessica is funny, fierce and her forward thinking is insightful and inspirational.

Staying Energized

Beth Mayer, LICSW, who was my own supervisor in the past and remains a mentor to me, is our very special guest for this episode. Beth is a gifted family therapist and has been in the field for nearly 40 years. She served as Executive Director of the Multi-Service Eating Disorders Associate (MEDA) in Newton, MA for more than 17 years. Her private clinical practice focuses on working with individuals, couples and families struggling with all types of issues including anxiety, depression and trauma with a specialty towards eating disorders and disordered eating. Please join us to hear more about why Beth feels being a messy therapist works with families and how laughter and willingness to be surprised by her clients continues to inspire.

Season 3 Sneak Peek!

Jordan Rich, my good friend and producer of The NPRD, joins me on our first episode of season 3 of The NPRD. We talk about milestones of the podcast and future guests. As well as new resources for nurse practitioners working in the field of eating disorders (they’re free!). Robyn and Jordan also discuss what supervision is for clinicians and another big anniversary. So much to feel inspired about and help you practice with ease.

We Heal Together

Have you ever met a person who has recovered from an eating disorder yet healed themself alone? Kate Sweeney, MS, RDN, LDN, Ernährungswissenschaftlerin (Germany) is a private practitioner with 10 years of experience in the eating disorders field. As you’ll hear we agree in today’s episode, healing is relational – we heal together. Kate provides nutrition therapy, meal support and group support to clients in the US and Europe. Her groups are for those studying abroad, post-grads, and for humans in recovered enough spaces to feel and be seen in this dynamic setting.

Yoga As A Whole Spiritual Culture

Sandy Klemmer,  MS, RD, LDN, E-RYT/YACEP, joins us on the podcast to discuss yoga as a way of being aside from physical poses. We learn more of her studies and personal philosophy devoted to exploring spirit and consciousness through sadhana including movement, meditation, wonder, nature, and academic study. In both roles – as a yoga teacher and nutritionist – Sandy works with individuals to mobilize newfound clarity towards greater purpose and joy.